1.王晋军、刘娟娟. 文莱的语言生态与双语教育政策研究[J].中国外语(CSSCI期刊),2017(5).
2. 王晋军、刘娟娟. 语言生态视域下的双语教育政策研究[J].英语研究(CSSCI辑刊),2017年第5辑.
3. 王晋军、刘笑元.中国家庭会话中的问句与权力关系[J].语言学研究(CSSCI辑刊),2017年第22辑.
4. 王晋军.国外环境话语研究回顾[J].北京科技大学学报(社科版),2015(5).
5.Wang, Jinjun Questions and the exercise of power [J],Discourse and Society (SSCI), Vol.17(4), 2006.
6. Wang, Jinjun. Review of Functional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: in honour of Angela Downing[J].WORD(SSCI, Journal of the International Linguistic Association), Vol. 59(3), 2008.
7. Wang, Jinjun. Review of The Myth of Mars and Venus [J],Language in Society (SSCI), Vol. 38 (4), 2009.
8. Wang, Jinjun.Chinese Questions and Power Relations[A]. In Jan Renkema (ed.)Discourse, of Course [C]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009.
9. Wang, Jinjun. Review ofAnalyzing Identities in Discourse [J]. Journal of Language and Politics (SSCI; A&HCI).Vol.10 (3), 2011.
10. Wang, Jinjun. Review of Semantic Variation: Meaning in society and sociolinguistics [J], Language in Society (SSCI),Vol. 40 (4). 2011.
11. Wang, Jinjun & Yan, Ying. The Interview Questions [A]. InJ. F. Gubrium, J. A. Holstein, A. B. Marvasti &K. D. McKinney (eds.)The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research[C].2nd Edition.SAGE Publications. 2012.
1. 王晋军,专著《问句的批评性分析》,厦门:厦门大学出版社, 2006.
3. 王晋军主编,《语言学学习指南》,昆明:云南大学出版社,2010.
4. 杨信彰、王晋军等合译《牛津英汉双解学生词典》,北京:商务印书馆,2008.
5. 合译《柯林斯COBUILD高级英汉双解词典》,北京:高等教育出版社,2009.